Thursday on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” host Ellen DeGeneres defended her guest Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on the topic of her use of a private unsecured email server that contained classified information during her tenure as secretary of state.

When Ellen reluctantly asked about the emails, Clinton said, “Well, I want people to understand this, so I’m glad you asked. I used a personal email account. It was allowed by the State Department, but I should have used two different accounts. I made a mistake and I’m sorry for all the confusion that has ensued. I take responsibility for that, but I’m now trying to be as transparent as not just I can, but anybody ever has been. So 55,000 pages have been turned over to be released and we’ve got the server and then me testifying before Congress. I’m going to keep talking about it and answering questions.”

DeGeneres added, “I don’t think you need to. It’s just that people keep bringing it up. They haven’t found a thing. They keep saying that they found something. I personally think that, women, I know you will not say this because you don’t think there should be a difference between women’s rights and human rights, and I love that you say that because it should be just human rights. But I will say that I personally believe that women are held to a different standard than men. We’re held to a different standard for our weight, our age, our looks, for everything. Which is not fair because you are the smartest, most qualified person for this job.”

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