Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is receiving the inaugural Phyllis Schlafly Award for Excellence in Leadership from the Eagle Council “for his courageous defense of truth and moral principle in Congress.”

Sessions told Breitbart exclusively that he is honored to travel to the conference and receive the award Friday evening.

I am deeply honored to receive this award from one of America’s greatest patriots, Phyllis Schlafly.  Without her tireless efforts, the modern conservative movement may never have gotten off the ground.  And today , her focus on how powerful forces – economic and political – impact the lives and values of everyday Americans remains almost unique.  Indeed , this understanding is once again proving critical to the success of the only movement that can uplift , morally and economically, all our citizens – American conservatism. This award is a true honor.

“Jeff Sessions has been our hero in Congress on many issues,” Phyllis Schlafly stated in a press release. “I am so very glad that we can honor his work in this way, and make him the first recipient of this award. I hope that there will be many legislators and conservative leaders who will follow Senator Sessions’ example in battling the leftist attacks on our families, our culture, and our sovereignty.”

This is the first annual presentation of the award, which is being held at the 44th annual Eagle Council conference on Friday evening in St. Louis, Missouri. Ann Coulter will deliver the keynote address.

Schlafly, a conservative icon, has long been complimentary of Sessions’ record.

She previously said he was a “hero” for opposing legislation that would have granted amnesty to illegal immigrants and in turn, harm the American worker.

Schlafly also complimented Sessions and his position on fast track, which was debated in Congress earlier this year.

“Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), one of the few members of Congress who have actually read and studied Fast Track plus its companion trade bill called Trans-Pacific Partnership, has compiled a list of objections to it that are downright frightening. They should be read by all who care about their own future and the future of our once-prosperous nation,” she wrote.