On September 14, geology instructor Shannon Lamb allegedly shot and killed history professor Ethan Schmidt on the Delta State University campus, where they both worked. Delta State is part of “The Campaign To Keep Guns Off Campus,” a coalition against guns on campus for self-defense.

According to the The Campaign To Keep Guns Off Campus webpage, the coalition was formed to fight the “gun lobby’s” efforts to pass legislation allowing students to be armed for self-defense “in classrooms, at sporting events, and other school activities – and to keep guns in their dormitory rooms.” Such legislation would allow faculty to carry guns for self-defense as well.

The Campaign To Keep Guns Off Campus lists “370 colleges and universities in 42 states” that have joined the coalition to fight the passage of Campus Carry laws that would allow students and faculty to armed for self-defense–and Delta State University is a coalition member.

In addition to this, the Delta State University campus is a gun free zone. The school’s website contains the following firearms policy statement:

The Board of Trustees of Institutions of Higher Learning prohibits the possession of pistols, firearms or other weapons in any form by any person other than duly authorized law enforcement officials on its institutions’ premises or at any of its institutions or student functions off campus, regardless of whether such person possesses a valid permit to carry such pistols, firearms, or weapons.

Police believe that Shannon Lamb allegedly killed his girlfriend at their home in Gautier, Mississippi, before bringing his gun onto the gun free campus and shooting his colleague to death.

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