SAN PEDRO, California — Aboard the USS Iowa in Southern California, 2016 GOP frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump told Breitbart News that his replacement for Obamacare—what he dubbed “DonaldCare” on Monday evening in Dallas—is going to be “absolutely great.”

“We’re not going to have the false lines,” Trump said as he grabbed this reporter’s shirt to—completely unsolicited—sign his name on this reporter’s shoulder with the black sharpie he was carrying around.

“We’re going to have privatization,” Trump continued. “It’s going to end up being absolutely great.”

When asked if his plan is the cure for Obamacare, Trump said he doesn’t want to fix Obamacare.

“We’re going to get rid of Obamacare,” Trump told Breitbart News as he was walking off the battleship after a raucous speech to Veterans for a Strong America—which just endorsed his candidacy for the White House—as a couple hundred protesters screamed “Dump The Trump” just ashore from the mighty ship.

“We’re going to something really spectacular with that [healthcare], with immigration, with the armed forces,” Trump said.

During his speech, Trump noted he has several major detailed policy plans forthcoming. He’s already published his detailed immigration reform plan—the only candidate to do so—and is working on a tax plan, healthcare plan, veterans care, and military plan. On stage, he detailed how if he’s elected president he’d ensure veterans are treated better than illegal aliens—they’re currently not, he said—and how he’d build a military so big that America’s enemies wouldn’t dare pick a fight with this country.

When asked about the protesters outside, Trump said he didn’t even notice them.

“You know, I honestly didn’t even see them,” Trump said. “I thought they were on our side.”

Trump will, along with 10 other GOP candidates, appear on the debate stage in Simi Valley, California, just north of San Pedro here on Wednesday evening. He’s currently the 2016 GOP frontrunner, as his biggest rival former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has virtually collapsed on the campaign trail in recent polling.