Conservative grassroots icon Jeff Sessions may break precedent and endorse a presidential candidate in the heated 2016 Republican primary, according to a new interview.


In the three competitive Republican presidential primaries that have taken place since U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., has been in office, Alabama’s junior senator has never endorsed a candidate. But Sessions is considering bucking that pattern in 2016, he told Roll Call in a story published Tuesday.

It’s unclear whether the announcement would come before or after the so-called “SEC Primary,” which includes Alabama, on March 1. Backing from Sessions, who is extremely popular in the state, could give a significant boost to any of the 16 Republicans in the race.

Sessions avoided primary endorsements in 2000, 2008 and 2012 – the three times in his 17 years in office when Republicans had a competitive primary.

“A few people might be interested in how I would evaluate the candidates. … I’m not going to go out and just jump out and start advocating for somebody that I’m not really sure represents the best for America,” Sessions told Roll Call.

Read the rest of the story here.