SIMI VALLEY, California — GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, who has surged to second place in the polls since the first GOP presidential primary debate, spoke exclusively to Breitbart News before the second GOP debate tonight hosted by CNN saying he’s camera ready with a haircut and fresh smile.

“Yesterday, I got a hair cut,” Carson told Breitbart News with a laugh. He added, “[I] went to my dental hygienist, played a little pool, relaxed.”

After the first GOP presidential primary debate in Cleveland, Ohio last month, Carson had said he wished there had been more foreign policy questions, but he looked forward to the next debate since Hugh Hewitt is a moderator, and he anticipates many questions focused on foreign policy.

“I want to talk about global jihadism,” Carson told Breitbart News about the topic he is hoping to be asked about tonight.

He said it is important to stress “what it means to us as a nation.”