Establishment Republican consultant Alex Castellanos admitted on Wednesday that the GOP debate process is “designed by the insiders for the insiders.”

On Cnn’s Wolf, Castellanos, speaking of Wednesday night’s debate (the GOP establishment’s “go-to” pundit Hugh Hewitt will be the panelist representing the right), said “this is not a friendly environment for Donald Trump.”

“This is part of the establishment’s process to pick a nominee,” Castellanos, who said that Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) represent the “future of the Republican party,” said. “This whole process is designed by the insiders for the insiders.”

Former Reagan adviser Jeffrey Lord chimed in and said Trump, though, is “at the ultimate outsider’s library.”

Castellanos has previously predicted that there would be a “cleansing” in the GOP after Trump loses and even suggested that the best way to get rid of Trump is to “get real close, snuggle up, and shiv him in the ribs.”

“The best way to do it is how Brutus killed Caesar,” he said. “In other words, hug the message but not the messenger.”

Since Breitbart News reported on Castellanos’s comments, he has changed his tone a bit, recently saying that Trump was saying Trump was a “masterful” and “brilliant” leader and he has not seen anything like this in politics.