MSNBC host Chris Matthews admitted “we’re all guilty” on the Iraq War, and this includes Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Secretary of State John Kerry in an exchange with GOP presidential candidate and former New York Governor George Pataki on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.”

Pataki, while discussing President Bush’s speech at Ground Zero, stated, “I happened to have been there that day. … And the president did rally us, did bring us together.”

Matthews countered, “Were you there when he divided the country by going into Iraq?”

Pataki then responded, “With the support of Hillary Clinton, by the way. … and John Kerry, after he was against it, he was for it.”

Matthews then stated, “So, we’re all guilty.”

Pataki then said, “Yeah, exactly. And we’re all Americans, and we have a common future, and let’s try to put this nonsense apart — aside, and figure out solutions to the problems facing our country.”

Matthews then said, “He just said, no more Benghazi, no more email discussions. That’s great. Yay. No more of that division.”

Pataki responded that those won’t be issues if Hillary’s not the nominee.

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