Tuesday on “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) weighed in on Pope Francis’ views on economics, including his less-than-flattering remarks about capitalism as Francis is paying a visit to the United States.

According to Rubio, Francis is infallible on theological matters, but that does not include economic issues, to which the Pope is speaking.

“As a Catholic, the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, the successor of Peter and the head of the Church,” Rubio said. “And in theological matters, as a Catholic, I believe we he pronounces himself from the chair of Peter, which is actually very rare, he is infallible in those decisions in those issues. That doesn’t not extend to political issues like the economy. On moral issues, he speaks with incredible authority and he’s done so consistently on the value of life, on the sanctity of life, on the importance of life and on the family.”

“On economic issues, the Pope is a person,” he said. “And a head of state as the head of the Vatican. And he has opinions about economics. I see in the Pope’s comments a fundamental misunderstanding about the difference between free enterprise and corporatism. In much of Latin America where he is deeply rooted, the word ‘capitalism’ means corporatism, which is the large corporations connected to government, dominate the society and dominate the economy.”

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