This week on ABC’s “The View,” on the subject of Planned Parenthood defunding, host Whoopi Goldberg defend the controversial group and demanded the Republican Party “get out of my vagina.”

Goldberg said, “Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You know what in people get pregnant in all kinds of ways and people cannot always afford the baby — God says, if you have an issue, come to me. Nobody else can judge you. So here’s my question — now that they defunded Planned Parenthood and perhaps forgotten why Planned Parenthood came into being —people got tired of tripping over women with hangers hanging out of their bodies because they were giving themselves these abortions. It was supposed to be safe and clean. So, explain to me now what you’re going to do. Because if you think this is going to stop women from doing it, it’s not. People who are desperate enough to have an abortion, they feel they need it. Get out of my vagina.”

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