On Breitbart News Sunday, GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said the last thing he would want is for someone who refuses to subjugate their belief system to the U.S. Constitution to be president.

“This is America and we want it to remain America,” Carson told guest-host Matt Boyle on Sirius XM patriot channel 125, addressing the frenzy that ensued in the mainstream media after Carson said he would not advocate for a Muslim to be President if he does not put the Constitution above the tenets of Islam. “People who come here from outside are welcome if in fact they have a belief system that they are willing to subjugate to our American values and our American Constitution.”

Carson said he had “no problem whatsoever” with people who put American values and the Constitution first but added that “if in fact they are not willing to subjugate that to our system, then the last thing I want is for them to be president of the United States.”

The retired neurosurgeon, who is second in nearly every state and national presidential poll, mentioned that the Founding Fathers “were also concerned about that” and “that’s why they put the requirements in there that they did” for “a natural-born American citizen to be president.”

“They recognized that you can’t even take the risk of putting someone in there with divided loyalties,” Carson said. “It’s too important a position.”

Carson noted that one of his big messages at the recent Values Voters Summit was that “we are American and that’s something we should be proud of.”

“We live in a very exceptional nation,” he said. “There’s no reason for us to give away our values and principles for political correctness.

Earlier on Sunday, Carson, in an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, said he would have “problems with somebody who embraced all the doctrines associated with Islam” being president.

“If they are not willing to reject sharia and all the portions of it that are talked about in the Quran. If they are not willing to reject that, and subject that to American values and the Constitution, then of course, I would [have a problem],” Carson said. “I would ask you, would you be willing to do that? Would you be willing to advocate for somebody who would not do that? Probably not.”

Carson added on CNN that the “maybe the media thinks it’s a bigger deal than the American people do” because the the majority of Americans “agree and they understand exactly what I am saying.”