U.S. Senator and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio is looking like the smartest guy in the room when it comes to talking about foreign policy, especially after predicting that Russia would eventually engage in the Syrian civil war.

U.S. officials are claiming that Russian airstrikes in Syria targeted CIA-backed rebels in the city of Homs, killing dozens of rebels and civilians, an allegation that the Russian military categorically denies having occurred.

Rubio, who is no fan of Vladamir Putin, predicted Russia would jump into the fray during the last CNN debate, stating that Russia would in fact begin flying “combat missions” over Syria in the following weeks, in an effort to “prop up Assad.”

The argument can be made that Rubio’s prediction that Russia would start bombing runs in Syria could just be the Senator from Florida divulging information he is privy to as a member of the Senate’s Select Committee on Intelligence and the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Whether this is the case or not, Rubio still called it first, further bolstering his foreign policy bona fides.

We can expect Rubio to continue campaigning on his apparent foreign policy advantage over the rest of the Republican field of presidential candidates.