In a sweeping address to students on Saturday, Ambassador John Bolton called on Secretary of State John Kerry to resign from his cabinet post as Secretary of State.

At Young America’s Foundation’s Midwest Freedom Conference in Columbus, Ohio, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton went on the offensive against the Obama administration.

Bolton targeted foreign policy blunders made by President Obama and Secretary Kerry in particular, citing President Obama’s belief that American power is “provocative” as a source of the country’s geopolitical struggles.

Bolton noted, in fact, American weakness is “provocative,” not American strength.

When a student questioner asked the ambassador how to resolve problems precipitated by the Iran nuclear deal, Bolton eagerly quipped, “My recommendation for Secretary Kerry is that he resign.”

The only way to stop Iran, Bolton remarked, is with military action.

“Iran was never going to be negotiated out of its nuclear weapons program,” he said. “The only alternative was the use of military force.”

Bolton spoke to a crowd of more than 200 conservative student leaders assembled by Young America’s Foundation.

Lauren McCue, chair of Virginia Tech’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter, stated, “I agree completely with what Ambassador Bolton said today.” She continued, “Not enough leaders are bold enough to state the obvious: the left has negotiated our country into serious and urgent crises on a global scale.”

Additional speakers at the conference included Congressman Jim Jordan, Rachel Campos-Duffy, and Ken Blackwell.

Reflecting on Bolton’s remarks, McCue said, “I think more and more students are sympathetic to Ambassador Bolton’s conservative outlook on foreign policy, especially in the wake of President Obama’s unequivocal failures on Iran, Syria, and Russia.”

“I was honored to be a part of Young America’s Foundation’s conference this weekend to learn from Ambassador Bolton and help others on my campus understand the urgency of the left’s disaster.”