Hillary Clinton gets 14 times more network news coverage than her Democratic primary challenger Bernie Sanders.

In the calendar year 2015, Clinton’s presidential campaign has been the subject of 337 minutes of news coverage on the ABC, CBS, and NBC evening newscasts, according to a new analysis by the Media Research Center. That’s 80 percent of all the time allotted to the Democratic race.

Joe Biden is second on the list with 55 minutes about his potential run (13 percent) and then Sanders clocks in with 24 minutes (6 percent). Martin O’Malley’s five minutes of coverage at least top Lincoln Chafee and Jim Webb, whose campaigns have been covered for less than a minute apiece.

Despite getting 14 times less newscast coverage than Clinton, Sanders has many more donors across the country, recently receiving his one millionth individual donation just a day before Clinton threw a divisive fundraiser at rapper Jay-Z’s Manhattan nightclub.

And Sanders has something else going for him: while 54 percent of Clinton’s coverage has been centered on her “controversies,” like her private email scandal, only one percent of the Sanders coverage has been about his controversies, like when he wrote in the 1970’s that women fantasize about being raped.

No press is bad press? Not always true.