The White House won’t join Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in calling for the House Select Committee on Benghazi to be shut down, although the administration questions the integrity of its investigation.

During the White House press briefing, press secretary Josh Earnest suggested to Breitbart News that administration officials would continue to cooperate with the investigation. That includes Obama’s former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“I think she’s rather looking forward to the opportunity that she’ll have to face the committee, it seems apparent that she’ll have the opportunity to do that later this month,” Earnest said, referring to recent public comments from Clinton, the leading Democratic presidential contender.

Earnest claimed that “legitimate questions” about the integrity of the committee were raised after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy boasted that it was hurting Clinton politically.

Clinton has denounced the committee for its partisan nature. A majority of House Democrats voted today to end the committee.