A new mysterious website exposing Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for his immigration positions ahead of the 2016 primaries has hit the web.

At this time, it’s unclear who made the website—but it details in depth the immigration transgressions of Sen. Rubio in a way that has yet to be done on the campaign trail. As 2016 GOP frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump marshals his forces to take on Rubio—the new Washington establishment candidate given that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s campaign is floundering—this website could become a central part of the campaign. The URL for the site is RubioAmnestyPlan.Com, and could severely threaten to debunk Rubio’s efforts to claim again to conservatives just like he did before that his immigration viewpoint is not amnesty.

The site calls the junior Senator from Florida “Marco ‘Amnesty’ Rubio” and a “donor class puppet” right at the top, and then starts off noting that “Marco Rubio is Jeb Bush without the honesty.”

“Rubio’s only accomplishment in Congress has been to betray the American people,” the opening reads. “His record on immigration and Obamatrade demonstrate that there is nothing Rubio will not say – and no lie Rubio will not tell – in order to deliver for his donors.”

Citing National Review, the site goes on to detail how Rubio worked closely with Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY)—one of the most liberal Democrats in the U.S. Senate who is nearly certainly going to be the next Democratic leader once Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) retires—calling Rubio Schumer’s “amnesty pitchman.”

“Rubio was hired to shove amnesty through the Senate by putting his face on Obama’s bill,” the site continues, citing the New Yorker and Twitchy.

From there, the site cites Breitbart News, The Daily Caller, New York Times, ABC News, key immigration groups like FAIR and CIS and renowned blogger Mickey Kaus—who criticized Fox News for being too easy in coverage of amnesty—among several others to argue that Rubio during his “Gang of Eight” immigration days had launched a “24-7 Misinformation Campaign” for which he’s never apologized.

“Rubio said he joined the Gang of Eight to ‘to get the best bill possible’ but he produced the most extreme immigration bill in history (more extreme than McCain-Kennedy) and written by special interest groups. Rubio’s plan earned the endorsement of Obama, La Raza, Reid, all Dems, Gutierrez, Pelosi, Zuckerberg, Murdoch, Iger, the Chamber of Commerce, and every open borders outfit in the country,” the site reads.

It details how Rubio broke promises he made to nationally syndicated talk radio hosts Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity and Fox News host Bill O’Reilly—again, for which he’s never apologized.

“Rubio pledged to Rush Limbaugh that ‘if there is not language in this bill that guarantees that nothing else [i.e. the amnesty] will happen unless these enforcement mechanisms are in place, I won’t support it,’” the site reads.

Rubio made the same promise to Hannity, O’Reilly, Levin and everyone else. You could not turn on your TV without hearing Rubio sell Schumer’s amnesty. But Chuck Schumer himself made clear that Rubio – his obedient amnesty pitchman – was lying to them all. Schumer declared “On day one of our bill, the people without status [illegal aliens]…will be able to live and work here legally.”

It then notes that Rubio “revealed his own con during a Spanish-language interview before the vote” on the Gang of Eight bill, telling Univision en espanol according to the Washington Examiner: “Let’s be clear. Nobody is talking about preventing the legalization. The legalization is going to happen. That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border.”

The site then goes through everything that was with the Rubio-Schumer “Gang of Eight” bill, and even shows a photograph of then Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid giving Rubio a big hug on the Senate floor as they celebrate the amnesty bill’s passage.

It notes how National Review writes that Rubio was “lying” to America about his immigration plan, actively “trying to fool voters.”

Most importantly, perhaps, the site details how Rubio has “never changed his views” despite his campaign operatives giving off the impression that he has.

“He continues to actively embrace every single policy in the Gang of Eight bill, including mass immigration, amnesty and citizenship and will impose them by force on Americans if given the chance,” the site reads, citing WMUR in New Hampshire, The Daily Caller and Breitbart News. “In the words of a Democrat: ‘He always came back…it was kind of like lassie.’”