New England talk radio host Howie Carr told Breitbart News that not a single listener called in to his Friday radio program to express support for Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House.

“We asked for everyone listening who supports Paul Ryan for Speaker to call us and explain why. When the phone didn’t ring, we knew it was them,” Carr told Breitbart News exclusively.

Since Kevin McCarthy announced he would not seek the Speakership, the Washington media and the Republican donor-class have aggressively sought to push Paul Ryan into the Speaker’s role.

Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, and Kevin McCarthy are all a part of the same “Young Guns” movement, which developed a far-reaching strategy for implementing donor-class priorities. For instance, Cantor, McCarthy, and Ryan were all at the center of the 2013-2014 effort to push Marco Rubio’s amnesty agenda through the House after Rubio had succeeded in ushering an amnesty and mass immigration bill through the Senate.

Although the threesome are closely aligned strategically, philosophically, and personally– it is Paul Ryan who has adopted the most extreme positions of the three in favor of open borders immigration policies, prompting Ryan to earn the endorsement of Democratic Congressman Luis Gutierrez.

Howie Carr’s New England-wide talk show is syndicated to more than 20 stations throughout Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut.

Conservative icon and best-selling author Ann Coulter, who was a guest on Carr’s Friday program, reminded listeners about Paul Ryan’s record. Paul Ryan, along with Cantor and McCarthy, has pushed for unrestricted trade and immigration policies, fiscal deal-making with Obama, and a conciliatory approach with Congressional Democrats who rhetorically assail GOP voters on a daily basis.

Coulter told listeners Ryan frequently “brags” about his ties to mentor, Jack Kemp, the former-New York Congressman and Bob Dole’s 1996 running mate.

Ryan’s association with Kemp is significant, because during the 1990s there was a Congressional fight about whether to slash immigration levels or continue increasing immigration levels.

At the time, National Review and many other conservatives argued that the U.S. federal policy of importing millions of new poor migrants on visas would be disastrous. In 1997, National Review ran a cover story entitled “Electing a New People” which warned that American voters would be disenfranchised by the continued importation of millions of poor migrants on visas.

“The Republican hour is rapidly drawing to a close,” the 1997 story reads, “being drowned—as a direct result of the 1965 Immigration Act.”

There was even a bipartisan commission led by Civil Rights leader and Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Jordan who argued that it was necessary to cut immigration in order to protect the national interest.

These bipartisan efforts failed, however, because a number of Republicans– including Kemp and Ryan– opposed them.

As Fred Barnes at The Weekly Standard has reported, Paul Ryan was so adamantly opposed to the then-bipartisan effort to crack down on immigration, that he penned a 4,000 word rebuttal to the National Review, which supported California’s Proposition 187. Prop 187 was a popular ballot initiative, which would have prevented illegal aliens from accessing public benefits paid for by taxpayers. Shortly after the initiative was passed overwhelmingly by California voters, a federal judge blocked it.

Barnes writes:

When National Review ran a cover story, ‘Why [Jack] Kemp and [Bill] Bennett Are Wrong on Immigration’ in 1994, Ryan wrote a 4,000-word rebuttal. It defended their opposition to Proposition 187, which denied any social services for illegal immigrants in California.

As the National Review reported in 2013, Paul Ryan seems particularly proud of the fact that he campaigned against the popular enforcement measure: “’I actually campaigned with Jack Kemp against a thing called Prop 187,’ Ryan told host Raymond Arroyo. He said they both worried that the proposal would burn Republicans within the immigrant community, and ‘make it so that Latino voters would not hear the other messages of empowerment,'” The National Review wrote.

While Paul Ryan has argued  that more low-wage immigrant labor is needed to fill labor shortages, National Review’s Rich Lowry once declared, “The next time I hear a Republican strategist or a Republican politician say that there are jobs that Americans won’t do, that person should be shot, he should be hanged, he should be wrapped in a carpet and thrown in the Potomac River.”

Ironically, despite the fact that Paul Ryan is diametrically opposed to the National Review on the critical issue of immigration, the publication has since endorsed his run for Speaker of the House. In an editorial yesterday, the publication made a veiled allusion to Ryan’s support for open-borders, writing that “He [Ryan] would have to commit to keeping immigration legislation that most Republicans oppose off the floor, whatever his own opinion of it.”

In effect, National Review is arguing that their own preferred pick for House Speaker should remain silent on one of the most important issues facing the country. The publication doesn’t even consider the possibility of choosing a Speaker candidate who would make an affirmative case for restoring U.S. sovereignty, protecting American workers ,and going out to media to stand up for the interests of blue-collar wage earners who are hurt by uncontrolled immigration. What’s more, National Review seems unconcerned that Paul Ryan as Speaker would not only mean that conservatives may have to fight to stop bad immigration legislation from passing, but it will also likely ensure that popular immigration enforcement measures (such as blocking welfare for illegal immigrants) will not move through the House.

During Howie Carr’s program, Coulter delved more deeply into the psychology of Ryan’s relationship with Kemp. Coulter reminded listeners about Kemp’s performance in the October 9, 1996 Vice Presidential debate in St. Petersberg, Florida.

“Anyone who is citing Jack Kemp— this is all you need to know about Jack Kemp: in his debate as a losing Vice Presidential candidate against Al Gore, Al Gore pulls that smarmy thing liberals will do to you sometime to smear your entire party. He congratulated Jack Kemp for not being a racist unlike the rest of his party.”

In response to a question that touched on racism, Gore said, “Throughout much of his career, Jack Kemp has been a powerful and needed voice against the kind of coarseness and incivility that you refer to in the question. I think it’s an extremely valuable service to have a voice within the Republican party who says we ought to be one nation… I compliment Mr. Kemp for the leadership he has shown in moving us away from that kind of attitude.”

“Now what would someone like you or me say to that, Howie Carr?” Coulter asked. “And what did Jack Kemp say?”

Kemp said, “Well, I thank you, Al. I mean that very, very sincerely.”

Coulter concluded, “[Gore] smeared the entire Republican Party and he was praising Jack Kemp for not being a racist like the rest of the Republican Party. This is the guy Paul Ryan—who lost a debate to Joe Biden—this is what he’s pushing out there.”

Coulter argued that if the Republican Party follows the Kemp-Ryan model, it will amount to “suicide” for the Republican Party.

Indeed, today, nine out of every ten green cards the U.S. issues go to migrants from outside the Western world. The Democratic Party—which champions Ryan’s immigration policies—believe that their political platform will get a better reception from migrants from failed states like Ethiopia and Somalia than they will from American citizens who already live here. Indeed, according to Pew Research only 11 percent of Muslim migrants identify as Republican or leaning-Republican.

California, for instance—where Prop 187 was never actually implemented and where today half of California children have a foreign-born parent—was not at all charmed to Ryan’s 2012 national campaign platform of reducing entitlements and cutting corporate tax rates. All of the state’s 55 electoral votes went to Democrats. Ryan’s immigration policies, however, would enable the demographics of California to be replicated nationwide.

In 1997. when National Review warned against “electing a new people” through the mass importation of foreign migrants, America’s foreign born population was around 25 million people. Today that figure is 42 million.

Phyllis Schlalfy and others have explained that the Republican Party’s best chance of expanding its electoral base with working class voters of all ethnicities is to appeal to the people already living here today by promising to prevent foreign competition from taking their jobs and driving down their wages.