Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated, “I want to open up the opportunity for immigrants to be able to buy in to the exchanges under the Affordable Care Act” and that she would be open to illegal immigrants getting the same subsidies during Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate.

Hillary, in response to a question on whether she supports opening up Obamacare to illegal immigrants and their children, stated, “Well, first of all, I want to make sure every child gets healthcare, that’s why I helped to create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and I want to support states that are expanding healthcare and including undocumented children and others. I want to open up the opportunity for immigrants to be able to buy in to the exchanges under the Affordable Care Act. I think to go beyond that, as I understand what Governor O’Malley has recommended, so that they would get the same subsidies, i think that is — it raises so many issues, it would be very difficult to administer. It needs to be part of comprehensive immigration reform, when we finally do get to it.”

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