LAS VEGAS — A room of roughly 200 enthusiastic Bernie Sanders supporters at the Wynn Las Vegas fell largely silent as Hillary Clinton attacked the Vermont socialist’s relatively soft position on gun control at the Democratic debate.

After the question prompt from CNN moderator Anderson Cooper, reminding Sanders that he had voted against the Brady bill and legislation to hold gun retailers and manufacturers liable for violence committed with their products, Sanders tried to push back.

He noted that he had a “D-minus” rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA), was an early supporter of an assault weapons ban in a gun-friendly state, and favored most Democratic policies on gun control.

Clinton, however, saw her opportunity and pounced, reiterating that Sanders had voted against a bill that had potentially kept millions of weapons out of the hands of would-be violent criminals, and declaring: “It’s time for the entire country to stand up to the NRA.”

The crowd of Sanders fans sat mute, absorbing what were the self-described socialist’s first negative marks of the debate.