LAS VEGAS – Democratic National Committee (DNC) communications director Luis Miranda says a main plank of his party’s strategy is to “remind” voters about the divisive and unpopular final days of the George W. Bush presidency.

“What the candidates were able to do was, they had a chance to remind people of the dynamics when George W. Bush left office,” Miranda told Breitbart News in the Spin Room after the first Democratic debate at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas. “That makes a tremendous difference.”

Candidates including Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders invoked the specter of Bush in Tuesday night’s debate, bringing up the Iraq War and the 2008 financial collapse.

“It was an exciting and lively debate,” Miranda said of the Democratic event. “I think it was good that it was a very fiery debate. When you try to dumb down the debate the way Republicans have” you lose many American voters, Miranda added.

DNC finance chairman Henry Munoz said that the Democratic debate, which featured Sanders’ strong criticisms of the capitalist system, is right in line with the Democrats’ election-year strategy.

“I think we had an interesting discussion about what capitalism is in the United States,” Munoz told Breitbart News. “There’s a very unhealthy method of financing these campaigns to buy the office of president of the United States. In the Democratic Party, we don’t have people who can write a check for $1 million or $50 million. So I think this discussion was very healthy.”

Progressive hedge-fund billionaire Tom Steyer, who spent more than $74 million for Democrats in the 2014 midterm election cycle, hinted in the Spin Room that he will support Joe Biden for the office of president of the United States.