Florida Senator and Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio stated he would put turn federal anti-poverty programs to states and localities with the condition that “if you’re receiving federal assistance, you must either be working, or going to school” on Friday’s “Sean Hannity Show.”

Rubio, after promoting “tax and regulatory reform,” repealing and replacing Obamacare, fully utilizing the country’s energy resources, and holding the line on spending, said entitlements need to be acted on now.

He added, “On the social safety net that you talked about, first, we have to have an economy that creates better paying jobs. We have to make it easier for people to acquire the skills for those better paying jobs, and I would take all of our anti-poverty programs, put them into a lump sum fund, turn it over to states and local communities, and tell them, ‘You guys take over this money, and you design programs that work.’ The only requirement we would have, is that if you’re receiving federal assistance, you must either be working, or going to school.”

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