New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that “Republicans are talking about weird stuff” in their debates while Democrats “actually did talk about middle class concern” on Friday’s “PBS NewsHour.”

Brooks stated, while discussing the Democratic presidential debate, “There was a difference in tone, a difference in subject matter. I think the Democrats actually have the advantage of subject matter, because they actually did talk about middle class concerns, whereas Republicans are talking about weird stuff. But the other factor is, the Republicans are actually arguing and fighting with each other. And what I saw up there was Hillary Clinton performing extremely well, and four other guys lying down and let her, letting her have the nomination. It’s like [Senator] Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held up the white flag of surrender when he refused to really go after her on the character and moral issue, which is his only way in. And the other three, I don’t know why they were there. O’Malley was the one who surprised me the most. I thought he would come in and see the Fiorina model, and come out with some sort of aggressiveness. He had a little toward the end, but in the beginning, it was just passive.”

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