Republican presidential candidate former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee stated that “the two-state solution is no solution at all” and criticized President Obama for creating “some kind of moral equivalency between what the Palestinian thugs are doing in stabbing Israelis, and the Israeli police officers protecting themselves and protecting the public” on Saturday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.

Huckabee said, “the two-state solution is no solution at all, because what you have, is a Palestinian government that refuses to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, and continues to even place in their textbooks, for their children, that Jews should die. Well, you can’t create a peaceful environment when you raise a generation of people believing the other side shouldn’t even exist. If you go into the Old City and get a Palestinian map of the area, you won’t find Israel on the map, because they don’t believe it exists. So, you know, I’ve heard this from both Democrat and Republican administrations. We’re going to have to, at some point, accept the fact, that for Israel to have security, it’s not about allowing people sworn to their destruction to get closer to them. It’s about allowing them to have secure, safe borders, and giving them the power to protect themselves in Judea, Samaria, and the rest of the country.”

He added that the US government should be advocating that “if there is going to be a Palestinian state, it’s going to have to be somewhere outside the borders of Israel, if there’s going to be this separate government. But you also have to be very clear, Jerusalem is going to be an undivided city. It will not work as a divided city. It has to be protected that way. And let’s keep in mind, there is an extraordinary level of effort on the part of the Israelis to protect the holy sites, not just for the Jews, but also for the Muslims and the Christians. Let me ask you something, can you name any Arab capital in the world in which the Muslims are protective of Christian sites or Jewish sites? Just this week — in fact, yesterday, Palestinian extremists burned the tomb of Joseph. It’s an act of despicable desecration for a holy site for the Jews, in the town of Nablus. I’ve been there many times. And this kind of action is just so beyond the pale.”

Huckabee continued, “part of the problem is that the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, they’ll come out and make a statement, but they don’t take the kind of action that is necessary in actually bringing people to justice repeatedly. This uprising is about a lot of innocent civilians in Israel being stabbed, including police officers, the one thing I really just cannot stand to see the president do, is create some kind of moral equivalency between what the Palestinian thugs are doing in stabbing Israelis, and the Israeli police officers protecting themselves and protecting the public. There’s not a moral equivalency here.”

Huckabee also discussed the rules change regarding CNBC’s Republican presidential debate. He said, “Well, let me clarify something. I’ve been hearing that it was Trump and Carson who pushed this. Actually, it was all the candidates. So, it wasn’t just the two of them.”

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