Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” House Benghazi Select Committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was asked about recent comments claiming his committee was a  partisan attack on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton from two Republican house members and a former employee of the committee.

Gowdy said, “I have told my own Republican colleagues and friends, shut up talking about things that you don’t know anything about, and unless you’re on the committee, you have no idea what we’ve done.”

“If you look at the facts, we have done 50 witnesses, one of whom you could argue was exclusively related to her email, that was shortest interview we have done,” he continued. “We have 50,000 new documents that don’t have anything to do with Secretary Clinton. She’s an important witness, she is one witness and by the time we’re through, we will have interviewed 70 witnesses. She’s one out of 70. I  get that she gets more attention than the other 69. But frankly if you ask me the eye witnesses on the ground that night in Benghazi are more important to me as former prosecutor than the form of secretary of state.”

He added, “There are three people who don’t have any idea what they’re talking about. Two of my colleagues, the two Republican members of the conference have never asked for update on our committee. They couldn’t name three witnesses we’ve talked to. They couldn’t  tell you a single document production that we have received. And the former staffer left in June, He has no idea what we’ve done since June and allegation about Secretary Clinton, he never said until he sat down with somebody in your profession last Friday. These three wouldn’t even be called as a witness in my former job because they have no first-hand knowledge.”

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