Before a packed crowd of more than 7,000 evangelical Christians, Senator Ted Cruz asked his fellow Republican candidates where they were when it came to defunding Planned Parenthood and fighting against the Washington, D.C. cartel. Cruz was responding to a question about this election being about outsiders and fighting Washington.

Cruz asked the audience to imagine what a difference it might have made if all eleven Republican presidential candidates had descended on D.C. during the recent battle on defunding Planned Parenthood. What would have happened if they all spoke with one voice and stood up to House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Cruz talked frequently during his twenty minutes in front of this “home court” of Texans. He discussed his frequent legal battles as Texas’ solicitor general where he fought against both Republican and Democrat presidents. He talked about defending the Mojave Dessert Memorial Cross in the case where he helped the Liberty Institute battle to save the cross. Cruz said the federal judge was right about one thing when he ordered the cross be covered and locked. “The image of the cross has power,” Cruz said. That battle was won in a 5-4 Supreme Court decision and the cross still stands.

He spoke of his Religious Liberty Rally hosted in Iowa in August. Breitbart News reported on the successful rally. Cruz said he hosted 9 heroes of religious liberty and told the story of one couple, Dick and Betty Odgaard who is now bankrupt because of a lawsuit after they refused to provide flowers for a gay marriage on religious grounds.

He then spoke of Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran who, after much acclaim as a fire chief, was fired for writing a book titled “Who Told You That You Were Naked?” based upon his teachings in his church’s bible study classes.

Cruz encouraged everyone to watch the entire rally on his website,

Dr. Jack Graham, host of the event in Plano, Texas, asked Sen. Cruz about judicial activism. Cruz said there were two problems with judicial appointments. First  is that many judges do not have a good paper trail for presidents to look at when picking judges. He said he would only look at judges who have a verifiable track record of not legislating from the bench. Secondly, he pledged to spend the political capital necessary to appoint and confirm true constructionist judges who will follow the law and not make it.

He cited two cases where the Supreme Court has strayed from this philosophy. The Roberts decision on ObamaCare and the recent decision by the court on gay marriage.  Cruz explained that in one case, Roberts actually re-wrote Obamacare so that he could rule it constitutional as a tax. In the case of gay marriage, Cruz said the court actually made up law that never existed regarding marriage. The definition of marriage has previously been a state related issue, Cruz told the audience.

“I will not accept it and I will not give up on the Constitution,” Cruz pledged.

Cruz praised Donald Trump for making this election about being an outsider fighting Washington. He said that no one has a better track record of actually fighting D.C. and winning. He said the prevailing question is now, “Who will stand up against Washington?” He said that leads to the next logical question, “Who has actually stood up to Washington?”

Cruz said this election will turn on whether evangelical Christians will turn out and vote, or stay home. In 2012, 54 million of the 90 million evangelical Christians in this nation stayed home. “Is it any wonder we have a federal government that assaults life and marriage?” Cruz asked.

He renewed his pledge that Obamacare will be repealed. He said this election must be a referendum on Obamacare to give the president the moral authority to carry out the task.

Finally Cruz was asked how people could help in prayer for him and his candidacy. Cruz asked that people pray for peace and wisdom for him and his campaign. He then turned the attention to his daughters, ages seven and four. He asked that they receive prayers to know they are loved. “The hardest thing about this campaign is being on the road,” Cruz said about being away from his daughters.

Cruz received resounding approval in the form of applause from the packed crowd at Prestonwood Baptist Church.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas and is a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX