Many Democratic legislators are willing to unite with some Republican legislators to elect a “consensus choice” for Speaker of the House, Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says.

“I think in our caucus there is interest and support, there’s an openness to a bipartisan approach to this [the election of the next Speaker of the House],” Pelosi said at the Texas Tribune Festival, according to Conservative HQ.

Conservative HQ reported the statement from Pelosi comes after establishment Rep. Charles Dent (R-PA) said a “bipartisan coalition” is needed in the House:

I’ve said for some time that in order to pass anything out of the House we need to assemble a bipartisan coalition whether it’s on the continuing resolution, the debt ceiling, we will have to assemble a bipartisan coalition. That’s the reality of this place and I don’t think that any of our leaders should make accommodations to those who are going to make unreasonable demands.

Conservative HQ suggested Pelosi and the Democrats want a Speaker of the House, such as the establishment choice Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI).

Ryan, or a similarly disposed candidate, would give the Democrats everything they want; a “clean” debt ceiling increase, a Continuing Resolution to fund the government at Obama levels of spending, breaking the spending caps a la the Ryan–Murray budget, continuing funding of Planned Parenthood, continued funding of Obamacare and worst of all, congressional confirmation of Obama’s policy of granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

An account by Roll Call included Pelosi’s description of what she wants from a friendly House Speaker.

“Comprehensive immigration reform, background checks … for gun safety, a civil rights bill. You know, I have a few things that I might be interested in… a transportation bill … keeping government open… my price isn’t too high.”

Pelosi didn’t identify the House Speaker she wants, even though her wish-list is a good match for Ryan, who favors an unlimited inflow of foreign workers, and is backing a huge reduction in jail sentences.

“Do you want him to be totally destroyed in his caucus if I mentioned who I thought would be good?”

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Rep. Daniel Webster (R-FL) are the only two declared candidates for Speaker of the House. Many other candidates will likely step forward this week, if Ryan formally declines to run by Wednesday.

“Congressman Daniel Webster of Florida is the only candidate whose name has been put forward who has made a commitment to end the government by cabal and cronyism that have led to the disenfranchisement of House conservatives,” noted Conservative HQ.