Republican presidential candidate former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum weighed in on the spat between fellow Republican candidates Donald Trump and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush over former President George W. Bush’s involvement in 9/11 on Monday’s “After the Bell” on the Fox Business Network.

Santorum stated, regarding Trump being more private about his faith [relevant remarks being at 1:45] that everyone has a moral code, “What that is for me is the Bible and my faith, and those are sort of the touchstones for me by which I make decisions to what is right and wrong.” and Trump “may have a different moral code.” He added, “at least you know where I am.”

Regarding the dispute over 9/11, Santorum said that he thinks “everyone would have given our — whatever was necessary to prevent that.” Santorum continued, “if the implication was well, you know, that you were somehow responsible for it, sure. I was there. I was responsible. It was on my watch. George Bush was responsible. It was on his watch. But it — to say that maybe that you had something to do with it, or somehow or another, you didn’t do what you were supposed to do — ”

Santorum then added that the hijackers came in before the Bush presidency the idea that there was a “personal attachment” to 9/11 by Bush is untrue and “not fair.”

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