Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions and Congressman Dave Brat issued a challenge to Republican presidential hopefuls in a joint op-ed titled, “Curb immigration or quit.”

The two lawmakers have come to be regarded as the populist thought leaders of their respective chambers. Senator Sessions has been a tireless advocate for the American worker—leading the fight against the Rubio-Schumer amnesty and immigration expansion plan, as well as Obamatrade. Likewise, Congressman Brat rose to prominence with his populist message of protecting American jobs and wages which enabled him to defeat the former “Young Gun,” Majority Leader Eric Cantor, in a historic electoral upset.

Brat and Sessions’s message is simple: “We need an immigration policy that shows compassion for Americans.”

It is not caring, but callous to bring in so many workers that there are not enough jobs for them or those already living here. It is not mainstream, but extreme, to continue surging immigration beyond all historical precedent. And it is not rational, but radical, to refuse to recognize limits… we should only admit as many new arrivals as we can reasonably expect to absorb into our schools, labor markets and communities. We must never admit so large a number that the immigrants themselves are unlikely to enter the middle class or achieve stable incomes. And we have to recognize that there are record millions already living inside our borders in desperate need of a job.

Throughout their op-ed, the lawmakers thoroughly document the devastating impact four decades of large-scale immigration has had upon the American worker.

“Nearly 1 in 4 residents aged 25-53 is not working,” they write, “but our politicians talk of needing more immigration to fill ‘labor shortages.’ Billionaire CEOs bully and intimidate concerned parents into silence while helicoptering their own kids to the world’s most expensive private schools.”

The U.S. foreign-born population is currently at an all-time high of 42.4 million. This record high number of foreign-born residents, however, is not the result of a porous border—the vast majority of these immigrants did not sneak across a border or overstay a visa. Rather, the large presence of foreign-born citizens in the United States is a result of our federal immigration policy. Every year, as a result of our current immigration policy, millions of low-wage migrants are legally imported into the country to fill jobs and collect federal benefits.

Poll after poll shows that Americans of all ethnic backgrounds want to see immigration reduced. “GOP pollster Kellyanne Conway found that colossal majorities of Hispanics and African-Americans—among those hurt the most by the unceasing arrival of new low-wage workers—want U.S. workers to be given preference for jobs,” the lawmakers explain. Conway shows that Hispanics, by nearly a seven to one ratio, want employers to hire workers already in the country rather than importing foreign workers to fill jobs. Black voters support this measure by a ratio of almost 30 to 1. “Pew Research polling found that Americans want immigration reduced—not increased—by an overwhelming 3 to 1 margin. A mere 20 percent of Democratic voters and a miniscule 7 percent of Republican voters want more immigration,” the lawmakers write.

Yet, since the Republican Party gained control of Congress, Republican leadership has not advanced a single bill to reduce immigration. In fact, Sen. Marco Rubio has even introduced legislation to triple immigration.

In fact, since Republicans took control of the House of Representatives in January of 2011, the United States has added a population of immigrants that is nearly four times the population of the island of Manhattan.

Since John Boehner was handed the Speaker’s gavel, the U.S. has imported a population of immigrants that’s more than six times larger than the population of the 13 colonies the year Thomas Jefferson was born.

Since the Republican House majority began in 2011, we’ve resettled a population of foreign citizens that’s nearly nine times the size of Washington D.C. And these figures do not count the children of immigrants born in the United States. One in four children in the U.S. has at least one immigrant parent.

As the two lawmakers observed, “Over the next 10 years, the U.S. will hand out more green cards than the combined populations of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. This has absolutely nothing to do with the border or immigration enforcement: these green cards will be issued — this year and a hundred years from now — unless Congress passes a law to prevent their issuance.”

They explain that because our visa dispensations are “on autopilot, each year the U.S. further swells the labor supply by issuing millions of new visas to foreign nationals seeking jobs and residency in the United States.”

Under current policy, “Pew Research Projects that new immigrants and their children will add another 103 million residents to the U.S. over the next five decades. That’s the population equivalent of 25 cities of Los Angeles.”

This population is more than five times larger than the number of Republican primary voters who voted in the 2012 election.

“Immigration reform should mean improvements to immigration policy to benefit Americans,” they write. “But in Washington, immigration reform has devolved into a euphemism for legislation that opens America’s borders, floods her labor markets and gives corporations the legal right to import new foreign workers to replace their existing employees at lower pay.”

Indeed, many Republican politicians who subscribe to the Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio vision of the free movement of foreign goods and foreign labor across national borders have pushed to expand immigration—against the desires of their own constituents. For instance, Mick Mulvaney has argued that it’s still too difficult to get a U.S. visa. “The simple truth is our immigration system is broken… it’s too difficult to enter America the right way,” Mulvaney states on his website.

Yet “by nearly a 10 to 1 margin, Americans of all backgrounds believe companies should raise wages instead of importing new labor from abroad,” Sessions and Brat explain.

In just Muslim immigration alone, the U.S. gives more green cards to Muslim migrants each year—which allows recipients to eventually apply for voting privileges—than there are Republican voters in Mulvaney’s state of South Carolina. According to Pew Research, only 11 percent of Muslim Americans identify as Republican or leaning-Republican, making them one of the most reliable Democrat voting blocs in the country.

Yet Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, and Mick Mulvaney believe that these numbers should be even larger.

Since Paul Ryan became a U.S. Congressman, the U.S. has added more immigrants than there were Romney primary voters in 2012 [9.8 million]. Since Wisconsin voters sent Paul Ryan to Washington, the U.S. has imported a population of immigrants that is nearly three times larger than the entire population of Wisconsin [5.7 million].

Even though Republican voters overwhelmingly oppose the Ryan-Rubio “New America” vision for the nation in which the United States adopts the globalist policies similar to that of the European Union, the Republican donor-class continues to push the globalists onto an averse Republican electorate.