MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews said that Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “calling Republicans enemies is a real problem, too, because Richard Nixon…had an enemies list” on Wednesday’s “MSNBC Live.”

Matthews stated, “He’s [Vice President Joe Biden] clearly talking about Hillary Clinton. And so, whenever she says something that seems to separate herself, even calling the Iranians enemies, I begin to think, ‘Why would you say that about a people we’re going have to deal with for the rest of our lives?’ You call the people of Iran enemies. That’s a problem. especially after the Iranian nuclear deal has been struck and we hope it’s held to. I think calling Republicans enemies is a real problem, too, because Richard Nixon has an enemies list — had an enemies list. We don’t like that kind of talk. And although you can say it is facetious, as she said after the fact, it’s on the tape.

He added, “By the way, I think her big goal tomorrow is to create new tape. The ‘What difference…does it make?’ tape will be used in the Republican campaign against her next year. We know that. She has to create a personal narrative of how she tried to save her friend. How, when she heard the first time she heard that [former Ambassador] Chris Stevens was under attack, every step she took, every route she followed, every person she called, every string she tried to pull to save him, she should dramatically put that on videotape, in these hearings tomorrow, no matter what the questions are. That’s the real question of character that she’s being threatened with. It’s not about competence, or administrative ability, or running the State Department, the charge against her implicitly from the beginning is that she’s not a good person. She didn’t look out for her friend. She didn’t do everything necessary. And I think she has to put that on tape, her whole narrative of what she did in those tragic hours, and she has to make it clear to the country that she is a good person.”

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