On Monday, MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews argued Donald Trump is the best TV candidate “since Ronald Reagan and Jack Kennedy before him.” Ted Cruz “hates as well as any Republican in modern history.” He also dubbed Marco Rubio “little Mr. Firecracker of the bombs away set.”

Matthews said the Democratic race has narrowed to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, while GOP race, “appears to be limited to the following: Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, simply because he, Cruz hates as well as any Republican in modern history. I just don’t believe Ben Carson strikes me right now — well, he strikes me mainly as an Iowa candidate like Huckabee and Santorum before him. So, if you’re Republican what does this tell you? It could tell you you’ve either got to shoot the moon with Trump and boy, would that be an exciting proposition, or think you’re playing it safe by going with Rubio, the little Mr. Firecracker of the bombs away set. Cruz I have to believe would be an inaugural kiss to Hillary. America isn’t mad enough in either sense of word mad to go that far. So, how in the world did we get from Walker and Rand Paul and Chris Christie and Joe Biden and all the rest, to this? The answer is that Donald Trump showed himself the best television candidate since Ronald Reagan and Jack Kennedy before him. attack Trump and it looks like sour grapes. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has proven herself all-pro on defense. Attack her and you’re a dead man. could be quite a general, by the way, if this thing keeps up, Hillary versus Donald Trump.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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