On October 26, the International Association of Chiefs of Police met in Chicago for their annual conference where they dropped their push for longer prison sentences and refocused their attention on passing more gun control.

Along with the National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence, the chiefs echoed Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley in calling for an expansion of background checks to all gun sales.

The Associated Press reports that “in the past, law enforcement officials have included such a call as part of a wider effort that included calls for longer prison sentences for those convicted of gun crimes.” But this year, they went strictly gun control.

According to ABC 7, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said the chiefs “are not going to relent” in this push. He added, “This is too important. Americans are dying and we need to do something about it.”

McCarthy did not address the recent study by the University of Chicago Crime Lab which shows that criminals in his jurisdiction are not getting their guns from gun stores or gun shows or via the Internet either. Rather, they get them through “personal connections” on the street that are harder for police to detect.

In other words, criminals have already abandoned all the outlets where McCarthy wants to put more gun control. This means the only people who would be limited by his gun control measures are the law-abiding citizens who need guns most.

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