While even illegal immigrants and their supporters will complain President Obama has let them down, the same cannot be said for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

Co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Life caucus Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) said last Wednesday that, for President Obama, “everything is subordinated to the abortion agenda.” Smith referred to Obama as “the abortion president.”

In an interview with CNSNews.com prior to the House’s passage of a reconciliation budget plan that includes defunding Planned Parenthood for one year while redirecting those taxpayer funds to healthcare centers that do not provide abortions, Smith said it is not “moral for Congress to permit federal funding of an organization that aborts” 327,653 babies in a year, according to the abortion business’ most recent annual report.

“I think both the most recent scandal underscores the cruelty of Planned Parenthood and their willingness to use different methods of dismemberment in order to get body parts, I mean this is very macabre in my opinion,” Smith said in reference to the recent videos exposing the organization’s apparent practice of selling the body parts of unborn babies.

Nevertheless, Obama – who praised the abortion business at its annual gala in 2013, invoking “God bless Planned Parenthood” – has threatened to veto any legislation that comes to his desk that eliminates the group’s taxpayer funding. His administration has also threatened states that have attempted to defund the organization and has come directly to the aid of Planned Parenthood by filing a brief in its favor against Gov. Bobby Jindal’s attempt to eliminate the group’s Medicaid funding in Louisiana.

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, who has made at least 39 visits to the White House since 2009, continues to claim the videos, produced by Center for Medical Progress (CMP), were “deceptively edited.”

Casey Mattox, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, told The Daily Signal that more states may hesitate to defund Planned Parenthood because they are “up against the Obama administration,” though he adds the administration’s claim against the states “fails on the law.”