Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski criticized “pathetic” Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton for accusing her opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) of sexism when he says on the campaign trail “all the shouting in the world” can not solve Americas gun control issue.

After playing a video clip of Clinton saying, “I’ve been told to shouting about ending gun violence. Well, I haven’t been shouting but sometimes when a woman speaks out some people thinks it’s shouting. But I won’t be silenced and I hope you won’t be either. How many more people have to die before we take action?” co-host Joe Scarborough asked, “Mika, is that sexist, what Bernie Sanders said?”

Mika replied, “No.”

She added, “That was, um, don’t make me say it, Joe. No please don’t make me say it.”

Scarborough continued, “Well let me just say that’s pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.”

Brzezinski admitted, “That was pathetic. I know that she is the front-runner. I’m sure she’s going to win and go for it, I’m glad. That was like ‘Veep’ … That was ‘Veep.’ It’s worse that ‘Veep,’ it wasn’t funny. When ‘Veep’ does it, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, it’s hysterical, because it’s so ridiculous, that wasn’t even funny, it was pathetic.”

She continued, “I know sexism. Hillary Clinton knows sexism. She should know better than let her staff make her do that. She needs to get out there and talk. Everyone stop writing lines for her. They’re bad, really bad. When we talk about sexism, we talk about women and equal pay and all these things that are important. Let’s not denigrate it with that stupidity, Let not because we embarrass ourselves. I’m like, cringing. You really shouldn’t have asked me. I’m going to get killed. But that’s OK, because that was pathetic. That was pathetic.”

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