Prosecutors say Honduran illegal alien Jose Amaya-Vasquez, 30, kidnapped his ex-girlfriend and her two-year-old child at knifepoint in May, dragging her from Missouri to New Jersey while raping her repeatedly.

FBI special agent Nicole Caneles wrote in court documents Amaya-Vasquez told the woman “she had to decide that night if she wanted to live or die,” and he “told the victim that she was going to be with him until death.” He held her at knifepoint, threatening to kill her other three children and her mother in Honduras.

Amaya-Vasquez broke into the country in 2004 and roamed around for several years, until police finally arrested him in July 2014 and deported him. Two months later, Amaya-Vasquez came back to the U.S. through Mexico, was caught again, jailed for 30 days and “barred” from entering the U.S. for another 20 years. Undeterred, Amaya-Vasquez resurfaced in May to corner his ex-girlfriend and her toddler in a Kansas City parking lot. He raped her at least three times on the way to New Jersey before police caught him scrambling 25 feet up a tree in a a brilliant evasion maneuver.

Post-1965 immigration policies opened up the U.S. to the Third World, and rather than providing a safe haven for battered women in other countries, they simply transferred the cost to American taxpayers. Even so, simply enforcing existing immigration law would let Americans see fewer Hondurans raping their girlfriends in motels.

News of Amaya-Vasquez’s charges (rape, kidnapping) broke one day after the families who lost loved ones to illegal aliens stormed Washington, D.C., to demand politicians secure the border and deport all illegal aliens. “The killer of my only child served only 35 days in jail,” said Sabine Durden, whose son Dominic Daniel Durden died after a convicted felon and illegal alien from Guatemala crashed into him and tried to flee the scene. She of course received none of the $18,000 restitution a traffic judge ordered the killer to pay, even after he paid a $10,000 cash bail.

Politically-engineered mass immigration spiked crime across the country. Illegal alien crime in particular, which is completely preventable, is shockingly high. In Florida, for example, 40 percent of all murder convictions were handed down to illegals from 2008 to 2014. Generally, the media ignores immigrant crime. Reports on Amaya-Vasquez’s charges are a departure from the norm–even the Associated Press compiled a report without calling the illegal alien rapist “undocumented,” unlike Fox News Latino.

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