Columnist Charles Krauthammer slammed the CNBC debate as an “appalling,” and “obnoxious” performance by “flaming liberals” moderating the debate on Wednesday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel.

Krauthammer said, “This was the most appalling performance by the moderators that I can remember seeing in a debate. They were overreaching. There were getting in the way. They were in the end obnoxious. And I think what they did, is they were able to set themselves up as the foils for the Republicans. So, I think it actually strengthened the field and made them look better.”

He later added, “I think the panelists were all flaming liberals. They all got — I don’t know who it was who said none of you is going to be a voter in a Republican primary, and it showed. I mean, this is just the bias, and also the lack of self-restraint, the arrogance, interrupting, and it was also disorganized. It was not well done.”

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