DES MOINES, Iowa — GOP presidential candidate former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tells Iowa voters and reporters, “I’m gonna get better. I oughta get better. I know I have to get better.”

Bush’s comments come after his campaign has had to make major cuts due to finances and a failed jab at Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) involving Rubio’s voting record.

“What I learned about Iowa is that Iowans are discerning voters,” Bush said, adding they are informed voters.

Beginning his speech at the Iowa GOP Growth and Opportunity Party at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, he commented on how poll numbers fluctuate.

“You learn from Iowa voters, so it is a joy to be here,” he added.

Bush told the audience that one in 10 Americans aren’t working, one in five children are receiving food stamps and under President Obama the medium income dropped $2,300.

“No wonder people think we’re on the wrong track,” he said.

Bush said leadership is about “fixing the things that are broken and then watch America rise up,” saying he can do this as President of the United States because he did it as governor of the largest swing state – Florida.

“Rather than just be pessimistic and depressed about what goes on” Americans need to unite to “ensure that our children and our grandchildren will have more opportunities,” he urged.

Politico described Bush’s speech and behavior during the Iowa GOP event as “energetic.”

He was well received overall, and more than a dozen Bush operatives and volunteers worked to make sure there were plenty of waving Jeb! signs. Afterward, he was surrounded by a crowd that, while smaller than Rubio’s, was still among the day’s largest.”

Bush repeatedly invoked his competitive spirit to reporters.

“I’m a grinder,” he said at one point. “I eat nails when I wake up,” he said at another. “I’m a really competitive guy,” he added for good measure. He urged the press to be the first to write his “comeback narrative.”

Aaron Hepker, a journalist in Des, Moines, Iowa, posted on Twitter during Bush’s appearance, “Overheard from audience “he (@JebBush) needs to speak more like he spoke today.”

Although Bush may have appeared more energetic according to some reporters, one thing remained the same – he is still speaking Spanish on the campaign trail, as he greeted a family of three who approached him after his speech in Spanish.