Monday on Iowa Public Television’s “Iowa Press,” Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said he believes most Republican voters and candidates agree with him, not his “loud” rival Donald Trump and that it is a “double fantasy” that the United States could deport the 11 million illegal immigrants currently living here and get Mexico to pay for a border wall.

Kasich said he is in the majority of Americans who believe there needs to be a path to legal status for those here but if they haven’t broken laws, after paying penalties, possibly performing community service and the border is secured, saying “if we dont protect our borders you don’t know who’s going to walk in.”

Kasich said we must secure the border, review the immigration system and visa problems and enforce all immigration law by immediately  deporting anyone who crosses the border, but “breaking families up”  by deporting 11 million people is “nutty.”

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