Oscar Mayer is closing a plant in Madison, Wisc., costing more than 1,000 Americans their jobs.

This is the second announcement since mid-October that a manufacturing plant near House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) district is closing. Roughly 1,000 Americans will lose their jobs from the Oscar Mayer closure.

The Wisconsin State Journal reported:

Oscar Mayer, one of Madison’s largest employers and mainstay businesses for more than 100 years, makes hot dog and lunch meats here. Its headquarters also has been located in Madison.

The company has about 1,200 employees here, including around 650 union members at the factory.

“My thoughts and concern are with the 1,000 workers who will be losing their jobs in the time span of the next 24 months,” Mayor Paul Soglin said in a statement. “These men and women have dedicated their lives to this company… They are the heart and soul of the North Side.”

Kraft Heinz is reportedly considering an expansion in the area and may be able to retain roughly 475 of the employees.

News of Madison’s Oscar Mayer plant closing comes just a few weeks after a GE Plant also located near to Ryan’s district announced it will be moving to Canada, costing roughly 300 individuals their well-paid jobs.

Ryan reportedly worked for Oscar Mayer as a teenager, driving the company’s Wienermobile.