In Politico, former Barack Obama advisor has advice for the GOP establishment:

The Acela corridor should not underestimate Ben Carson or Donald Trump as serious Republican presidential contenders, former Obama strategist David Plouffe warned Wednesday.
Plouffe, who managed then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he does not follow the ups and downs of the campaigns as closely as he used to, “which may be healthy, actually.”
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“I find it interesting, Carson’s getting dismissed, but here’s someone who’s leading in all the polls, who’s building a large following, has a lot of social media skill, apparently a lot of grassroots support that should materialize. I think sort of in the Acela corridor, there’s a dismissive approach to Carson and Trump, but they’re both sitting there, if you combine them, over 50 in most national polls,” Plouffe noted.

Read the whole thing.