The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is out with its most recent figures on drug, car, and gun deaths, and the numbers show that drug-related deaths far exceed car deaths, while car deaths exceed gun-related fatalities.

Breitbart News had previously reported that Duke University researcher Chris Conover compiled sources to show that owning a car is “80 percent” riskier than owning a gun, but the staggering number of drug-related deaths vs gun-related deaths was not highlight until the DEA figures were released.

According to the DEA, in 2013–the most recent year for which such data exist–there were 33,636 gun-related deaths, intentional and accidental combined. But there were 35,369 car-related deaths and a whooping 46,471 drug-related deaths.

Conover has already demonstrated that car deaths, even if they were the exact same figure as gun deaths, would still far exceed gun deaths in a percentage because there were nearly 100 million fewer cars than guns in 2013. So even with 100 million fewer cars the proposition of owning a car is far riskier than owning a gun.

As for drug-related deaths, the DEA shows a steady annual increase from 2004 to 2013. Not once in those 10 years did gun-related deaths ever match or overtake the number of drug-related deaths in a given year. The closest the gun deaths ever got was in 2004, when there were 29,569 gun-related deaths and 30,711 drug-related deaths. The next year, gun-related deaths increased to 30,694 but they were surpassed by the fact the drug-related deaths increased even more, reaching a total of 33,541. The separation between gun deaths and drug deaths steadily increased until finally, in 2013, the gap between gun deaths and drug deaths became a chasm, with drug-related deaths occurring nearly 30 percent more often gun deaths.

The DEA reports that the majority of drug-related deaths were methamphetamine and cocaine from 2007 to 2010. Cocaine deaths then diminished greatly and were replaced by heroin deaths and deaths via “controlled prescription drugs.”

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