Conservatives were delighted to see the Republican candidates talking back to the CNBC inquisitors at last week’s presidential debate.

What made news was not that the questions were biased; that is old news. That the candidates revolted–that was newsworthy.

And it was Ted Cruz who led the revolt, as he has done on the floor of Congress. Fence sitters, take note.

The revolt was stunning, a lightning bolt of civic illumination in a room filled with dark foreboding. Sam Adams would be proud. Could it be a sign that Republicans are getting serious about taking back our country?

Don’t count on it–old habits die hard, especially bad habits. It’s going to require more than a change in debate rules and debate venues to get that vehicle out of the mud. At least one candidate, John Kasich, refused to join the revolt, saying he thought the CNBC moderators did a good job. Good-bye, John; we hope you enjoy the next five years in Ohio expanding Medicaid and welcoming Muslim refugees.

Talking past the media directly to the American people is not something today’s politicians do naturally or very well. After all, the art of political “messaging” taught at “candidate schools” begins with an acceptance of media bias and its  “hostile narrative.” We have grown accustomed to it, like accepting alligators in your back yard when you live next to a swamp. (And if you feed the alligators, you get more of them.)

The debate over media bias is over; it’s not debatable any longer. But it remains to be seen if the Republicans have learned the real lesson. The biased questions by Boulder’s CNBC panelists are only the tip of a very large iceberg. Behind the little torpedoes launched at the debate stage lie even larger weapons of mass deception and distraction.

The mainstream media are not merely “biased,” not just tilted a little to the left, they are in bed with the enemy. It’s not a bias, it’s an agenda. The mainstream media is not an ally of the left, they are its storm troopers and assassins.

Like 90 percent of Ivy League professors, Hollywood celebrities and late-night TV hosts, the media are also all in for Obama’s “transformative change” and “social justice.” They’ve never met a race card slander they didn’t like.

This is nothing new to the conservative movement. Rush Limbaugh got all that right years ago. In 2009, he was pilloried by the D.C. establishment when he said he hoped Obama would fail in achieving his goals. That’s because, unlike Republican Party leaders, he understood Obama’s goals. Limbaugh has been warning us about a deep cultural rot in our intellectual class, an accelerating collapse of standards and the institutions necessary to support and sustain limited government. Yet, the Beltway consultant class and the party leadership would not listen. In fact, they mocked him, as they still do today.

Like Limbaugh, conservatives are still waiting for the Republican Party establishment to wake up and join the battle. Last week’s Obama -Boehner budget deal was the last straw for many.

Yet, by God’s grace, there is some very good news among the rubble, and it comes from an unlikely place. The good news is the gift of Hillary Clinton and her shrill campaign of openly leftist snake oil.

In order to motivate the Democrat base, which is increasingly socialist and openly anti-American, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has taken off the masks of moderation and turned hard left. That is the good news. It means no more stealth socialism because the 2016 election will be a true referendum on the socialist, “global citizen” agenda, not a phony debate over what costume we should wear as we jump off the cliff into tyranny.

Hillary Clinton cannot run away from her own record of incompetence or from the Obama record of abject betrayal. She is a walking disaster as a candidate who has survived only because of the screen of immunity provided by the progressive media. That screen is collapsing mainly because of its own hubris, and no one can protect Hillary from herself.

Here’s the truth of the matter. Only the Republican Party can elect Hillary Clinton – by shadow boxing and failing to join the battle.

All of that is possible, maybe even likely. But it is not inevitable. The rebellion in Boulder offers a ray of hope–hope that a larger rebellion has begun.