Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is taking a shot at Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), saying he doesn’t believe Ryan will “be noticeably different than Boehner’s rule.”

“In 2010 when the Tea Party tidal wave happened and a lot of conservatives, Sen Mike Lee, myself, and others came to Washington we actually did use our leverage to enforce some spending cuts or at least some spending restraint when the sequester was passed” Paul said in an interview with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily.

The Kentucky Senator specifically knocked Paul Ryan for cutting a deal with Patty Murray (D-Washington) that removed the spending cuts that were put in place through sequestration.

“This has been sort of my beef with Paul Ryan and others” said Paul. “In 2013, they got rid of most of the sequester and now just recently they’ve gotten rid of all of it.”

“All of the spending cuts are gone,” he added. “Paul Ryan is well liked, he has a great congenial personality. But the fact of the matter is he’s never voted against raising the debt ceiling. He’s voted for the car bailout, he voted for the bank bailout. I don’t truly think that he has something that’s going to be noticeably different than Boehner’s rule.”

Senator Paul, who is also running for the Republican presidential nomination, also spoke to Breitbart News Daily about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s handling of Benghazi and also her presidential candidacy.

“I’m unafraid of the Clinton machine” he said. “For two years I’ve been saying that she’s unfit for office, mainly because she didn’t provide adequate security when it was requested over and over and over again.”

He concludes, “I really don’t think she is qualified. In fact, she showed a lack of concern for our people in the field. It’s inexcusable.”