On Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius XM Patriot Channel 125 from 10 a.m. through 1 p.m. Eastern Time, host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon will welcome numerous guests to discuss the biggest stories of the week.

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson will join the show to discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the massive foreign trade deal championed by President Obama that Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) called “anti-Democratic.” Also joining the show will be Armstrong Williams to break down Politico’s attempt to smear Dr. Ben Carson with a hit piece, which they have since walked back. Sean Spicer, Chief Strategist and Communications Director for the Republican National Committee, will also appear on the program to highlight the mainstream media witch hunt against Republican presidential nominees.

Also appearing today will be Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam, Breitbart News contributor Dr. Thomas Williams reporting from Rome, and Breitbart Texas editor Brandon Darby will discuss the paramilitary left. Breitbart investigative reporter Lee Stranahan will discuss the latest developments in the police boycott of Quentin Tarantino’s latest film, The Hateful Eight, over his anti-police statements made during his appearance at an anti-cop rally.

Finally, Breitbart Washington political editor Matt Boyle will report live from the presidential campaign trail with Sen. Rand Paul in South Carolina.