Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump envisioned his presidency on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live.”

In the sketch, which is set halfway into Trump’s first term, “prosperity is at an all time high.” People also love the new laws that Trump tweeted.

In the Middle East, ISIS has been completely been eliminated, Syria is at peace, and all the country’s refugees have returned and are working in Trump’s casino in Damascus. Furthermore, Vladimir Putin has withdrawn from Ukraine after being called a loser and crying, according to a report by Secretary of State Omarosa.

The economy, “in the words of our new national anthem, ‘it’s huge.'” China is being killed by the US on trade and is actually borrowing money from the US. When asked how he did it, Trump remarks that he doesn’t need specifics.

Furthermore, the Secretary of the Interior, Trump’s daughter Ivanka, is renovating national parks to make them like Trump’s hotels.

Also, the president of Mexico pays Trump for a wall, more than he needs to, and has made Telemundo all-English. Trump ends the sketch by saying his presidency will be even better.

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