Donald Trump has a message for illegal immigrants: America is a country of laws.

Fox Business debate moderator Maria Bartiromo asked Donald Trump at the fourth Republican debate about the effect that illegal immigrants have on the American economy. She asked specifically about the federal appeals court that upheld the delay of Obama’s immigration action.

Trump responded by saying:

I was so happy yesterday when I saw that decision come down. That was an unbelievable decision. And we don’t have enough of those decisions coming down…. That was a great day, and frankly we have to stop illegal immigration. It’s hurting us economically. It’s hurting us from every standpoint. It’s causing tremendous difficulty with respect to drugs, and what that does to many of our inner-cities in particular. And it really was such an unbelievable moment because the courts have not been ruling in our favor. It was a 2-1 decision and, it was a terrific thing that happened. And I will tell you, we are a country of laws. We need borders.We will have a wall. The wall will be built. The wall will be successful. And if you think walls don’t work, all you have to do is ask Israel. The wall works, believe me. Properly done. Believe me.