MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin — Ahead of the fourth GOP presidential primary debate, Politico is reporting the top Google searches about several GOP presidential candidates.

The search giant reports people are asking, “Is Jeb Bush still running for president?” and want to know whether Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is a Democrat or Republican.

Politico reported, “other queries about Bush include: ‘Where is Jeb Bush today?’ and ‘What does Jeb stand for?’ as well as, ‘Is Jeb Bush Republican?’ The fifth-most searched query: ‘What is Jeb Bush’s full name?’”

Rubio’s top two Google searches include: “Is Marco Rubio a Republican?” and “Is Marco Rubio a Democrat?”

Search engine data shows that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is the most searched candidate out of either the Republican or Democrat Parties.

Politico noted, “When it comes to Trump, the searches are all about winning, with searches like ‘Did Donald Trump win the debate?,’ ‘Why is Donald Trump right?’ and ‘Will Donald Trump win the nomination?'”

Like Bush, Google trends show former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal are also being searched about whether or not they are still in the presidential race.