Fast food workers are striking on Tuesday as they demand $15 an hour, which is allegedly a more livable wage.

Protesters in New York gathered outside a Brooklyn McDonald’s. In September, the New York Department of Labor approved a $15 an hour wage for those in fast food.

Even Mayor Bill DeBlasio attended the rally.

Detroit witnessed over 200 workers this morning outside of a McDonald’s.

“I’m here to fight for $15 and a union,” said Lakecha Jackson, 37, a mother of two girls. “That would be a lot for me.”

Organizers scheduled another rally for 4PM at the Coleman A. Young Building. Workers from auto parts stores, groceries, and farms will attend the protest.

“We want the elected officials to know, if they don’t stand with the 54,000-plus fast-food workers, we’re not going to stand with them,” exclaimed Pastor W.J. Rideout III. “We’re mobilizing to let elected officials know, if they do not stand for fast-food workers, we’re not going to elect them to office when it’s time to vote again.”

Fast food employees protested outside of a McDonald’s in Philadelphia.

In Miami, SEIU claims there will be more than 600 people at two separate protests. Health care workers are expected to join the fast-food employees at a protest scheduled at 6PM in downtown Miami.