Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said of the 5 million illegal immigrants impacted under President Obama’s recently struck down immigration plan are “going to have to go out, and they’ll come back” at Tuesday’s primetime GOP presidential debate on the Fox Business Network.

Trump, in response to a question on the part of President Obama’s immigration plan that was struck down by an appeals court praised the decision as “terrific,” and called for more border security and praised the decision.

He was then asked, “Can you just send five million people back with no effect on economy?”

Trump responded, “We’re going to have to bring people — you’re going to have to send people out. Look, we’re a country of laws. We either have a country, or we don’t have a country. We are a country of laws. They’re going to have to go out, and they’ll come back, but they’re going to have to go out, and hopefully they get back, but we have no choice if we’re going to run our country properly, and if we’re going to be a country.”

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