Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson criticized the “level of intolerance for things that are not, so-called, politically correct, that is growing, and is really threatening our freedoms” on Thursday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.

Carson stated, “at a lot of campuses, there’s a level of intolerance for things that are not, so-called, politically correct, that is growing, and is really threatening our freedoms. It seems like we’re not really emphasizing the whole concept of freedom of speech, and freedom of expression, and most importantly, of open dialogue. You know, it’s okay to disagree with people, but it’s not okay to try to destroy them. What we really need to do if we were mature, is to be able to sit down, put on a table, the rationale for our beliefs, and discuss them like intelligent adults. That is not being fostered at our universities, to the detriment of our society, and we need to stop it before we change into something that we don’t want to be.”

He added, “people are so frightened of the politically correct police, that they’re willing to do things that are irrational in order to appease them. And I believe it’s going to be necessary for those people who truly believe in our system, who believe in our Constitution, who believe in the principles and values that made America great to be willing to stand up. You know, they continue to capitulate all the time. We’re just going to get pushed further and further into the secular progressive philosophy, and America will become something very different. And we don’t want that, but it requires courage. You have to be brave in order to be free.”

(h/t Real Clear Politics)

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