The president of the Mizzou College Republicans, Skyler Roundtree, tells Breitbart News exclusively: “There is an ongoing push for ‘Social Justice Centers’ (demand No.8) within college campuses across the United States. For those who do not subscribe to the certain set of beliefs provided by these ‘Centers,’ they are ostracized and condemned.”

Roundtree, who is biracial, also provided Breitbart News with the following statement via email:

Here at the University of Missouri, a strike was created when Jonathan Butler decided to refrain from eating. He said his final goodbyes to his Parents, Siblings, & Pastor – and accepted his fate. The reason being, the President’s lack of response towards the Systemic Oppression he saw in the institution. He signed waivers not allowing medics to revive him – putting a moral dilemma into the hands of Tim Wolfe.

I will not deny the fact that racist individuals exist. As a half-black & half-white twenty-year-old male, I too have endured derogatory slurs; in the instance I have been called a slur, I sympathize for the individual. And put the blame for ignorance not on the Institution, but that exact individual. The protest has not done a sufficient job at separating the individual from the community. I think of Systemic Oppression when I read through the profound History of the Great Leap Forward in Communist China, the tribulations of MLK, the Persecution of Christians & Jews in the Middle East– not this. We cannot determine where we start in this life, but we can determine where we end up. My father taught me that.

MLK believed, “We must love our white brothers…We must make them know that we love them.” Too many students here feel targeted, threatened, & afraid to vocalize their opinions – on the assumption they will be labeled a bigot.

In an email from the MU police, we are now being instructed to immediately call the 911 – if we are a victim of, “hateful and/or hurtful speech” Slowly but surely, we are seeing the deterioration of our first amendment. This we cannot stand for, no matter how small.